Thursday, 16 August 2012

This post is not about you

No this post is not about you. This post is about me. How fucked up this world is and the one I find myself living in. Where breathing is the only commodity worth trading. Sleeping the only escape from disaster and looking someone in the eye is nothing but a glimpse. Your words are no music to my ears. Your thoughts bring no comfort to my being and your advice nothing more than hickory-dicory-dock. I have thought about it all. Discussed it all. Slept on it. Woke up to it. Ready to hurl because of it. Take your socks of sympathy and hang them somewhere else, there is no space for them here. This space is already full. Filled with madness, discontent, bitterness. Should you find some longing here it will not be for you. It will be for a life greater than this. A space worthy of living and a time ready to breathe. No imaginary heaven falling from the sky or fairies picking up the dust. Something real and nothing dead. Where darkness is simply something that follows the light of the day and people still write songs about that month of May. Where dancing is a pleasure, not a necessity. Smiles still light up the sky and thunder awakes that of your inner core. When beauty is not something you behold, but feel. . .

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bridges under Water

I said SPEAK to the dark of my soul
I am tired of this silent cold
The mysteries entertain me no longer
And all the apparent wisdom just makes me wonder

I said RISE to the eagle found in my eye
Spread your wings into a majestic sky
Far away from this painted splendour
Lies a man behind his greatest endeavour

I said WALK to the tree stumps anchored in the floor
For even this is something I want of no more
And maybe ahead where the bridges lie
That is where you will find him, saying My Oh My

Take away all that he have
Cast away those stones of old
Burn the fire those flights of rage
So once again, something new be born

Ready for this he could never be
For what’s to come is still unseen
But when the sunshine falls upon his day
Great and splendour will be tomorrow’s day

Wednesday, 02 May 2012

The Bucket Boy

There is no great blue beyonder, thought the boy to himself. It is just an idea, or some unattainable hope that life imposed upon him. He wished that life could be what his dreams are made of. Crystal stars would show him the way, while he finds himself walking on these pebble stones...

Perhaps he is not destined for what he hopes to achieve? A life that is worth living and god knows he has been trying! He scoops up another bucket of water only to find, as before, that it is empty when he reaches his home. . .then tries again. This time round his attempt includes a larger bucket, surely it will contain at least some amount of water when he gets back home? And then he has to do so again . . .  and again . . .

His efforts feel like nothing more than wishful thinking . . . what am I doing wrong? He stares at his bucket, it is not withered nor frail. He monitors every journey and accounts for every step as he makes his way home, but still nothing more than a couple of drops.

He already knows nothing or no one else is to blame for the missing water. Yet he still wants to curse the sky from time to time should they somehow be involved. The soles on his feet are also starting to give in from walking up and down which is feeling more and more like walking in circles...

With hardly any strength to carry on, no more shoes to ease his journey and tired of mapping every route possible he decides that this is enough! He has had enough....

So the next day . . . he starts to build a pipeline

Thursday, 23 February 2012

In the clutter of the evening...

In the clutter of the evening
I lie awake with life and she is teasing

Her bruises never stay
Her scars always seem to heal
Her beauty never frails

Even when standing in the daylight
You find yourself looking for her
And sometimes when you forget
You're reminded she's right behind you

The bitch can make you mad
The bitch can make you sad
This girl can make you smile
This lady can make it all worthwhile